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Murrysville Area Soccer Association

Murrysville Area Soccer Association

Bylaws & Policies

MASA BY-LAWS - UPDATED NOVEMBER 2024 (See attachment)

MASA Policy on Youth Athletes' Health, Safety, and Welfare (See attachment)

MASA COVID-19 Information



A child is “playing up" when he/she plays on a team in an older age group.


Except in special circumstances, MASA discourages In-House players from "playing up" in an older age group. Players who wish to play up will only be allowed to do so under the following circumstances:

  - The player is entering his/her final Spring season in their assigned age group;
  - The parent has sent a written request to MASA’s In-House Coordinator;
  - The coach of the player (not the parent) completes the MASA Play-Up Evaluation Form;
  - The MASA Director of Coaching/Player Development approves the request to play up; and
  - The MASA Board approves the request to play up.

Factors to be considered by the MASA Director of Coaching/Player Development and the MASA Board as to whether a player should play up include, but are not limited to, the following:

  - Whether the health, safety, well-being and development of the player will be helped or hindered by playing up or remaining at the current age group;
  - Whether the health, safety, well-being and development of the player’s teammates will be helped or hindered by playing up or remaining at the current age group; and
  - Whether the health, safety, well-being and development of opposing players will be helped or hindered by playing up or remaining at the current age group.


MASA does not permit Travel players to play up, nor does it allow In-House players to play up on Travel teams.* It is also MASA policy that players are not eligible to tryout** or play for a MASA Travel team until completion of the Spring season of that player’s true U9 season (as determined by the USYSA/PA West age groupings) regardless of whether that player has played up in the past..

EXCEPTIONS: The rare exceptions to the above MASA Trave Play Up Policy are as follows: (1) there are not enough players in an age group to field a team and the team would be disbanded otherwise; (2) a player enters the MASA program at an age too old for the U10 program; and/or (3) other exceptional circumstances as determined by the MASA Director of Coaching/Player Development and the MASA Board in their sole discretion.

* Note: A true U10 player may play both In House and Travel (if selected) during that player’s true U10 season. However said player would not be playing up, but simply playing both In House and Travel during that player’s true U10 season.
** Tryouts for the following Fall season technically may take place before completion of the preceding Spring season, which shall not be a bar to a true U9 player trying out for a Fall U10 Travel team.



A child is “playing down" when he/she plays on a team in a younger age group.


PA West, and therefore MASA, does not permit children to "play down".


PA West, and therefore MASA, does not permit children to "play down".


All pets, with the exception of those providing service to the handicapped, are prohibited from being on District or Municipal fields during any MASA commissioned activity. This includes, but is not limited to practices, games, clinics, tournaments, special events, etc. If you are found in violation of this policy, a MASA representative will kindly ask that you leave the premises, and return without your pet. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of your child/children from the MASA program for a period of time determined appropriate by the MASA Board of Directors. Please understand that this policy is ensuring that our organization continues to provide a safe and healthy environment for our children. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and continued dedication to the Murrysville Area Soccer Association.


The participation (which includes but is not limited to playing, watching, coaching and/or officiating) in any game, scrimmage, practice, clinic, training session and/or other soccer-related activity (collectively “Soccer Activities”) involves inherent risks of injury, including but not limited to concussions and/or possible concussions. By participating and/or allowing your child to participate in Soccer Activities, you/your child acknowledge and knowingly assume full responsibility for these risks of injury. 

Ultimately, any decision as to whether you/your child shall participate in and/or resume participation in any Soccer Activities is left to the discretion of you/your child, not MASA.

However, if a coach or referee removes you/your child from Soccer Activities because, following trauma to the head, you/your child has/have exhibited signs, symptoms and/or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, and/or balance problems), MASA, in its sole and unreviewable discretion, reserves the right, but undertakes no duty, to prevent you/your child from returning to participation in any Soccer Activities unless and until you/your child is cleared to do so in writing by a licensed physician of medicine or osteopathic medicine who is authorized to diagnose and treat concussions.

It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of you/your child to seek appropriate medical attention for any injury, including but not limited to concussions and/or possible concussions, whether or not said injury occurs prior to, during and/or after Soccer Activities.  

By enacting this policy, MASA in no way undertakes, and specifically disclaims, any duty to recognize, investigate, treat, diagnose, prevent and/or manage any injury, including but not limited to concussions and/or possible concussions.


Registration fee(s) are non-refundable with the exception of injury or moving out of the area.


I, the parent of the registrant, a minor, agree that I and the registrant will abide by the rules of the MASA, its affiliated organizations and sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with soccer and in consideration for the MASA accepting the registrant for its soccer programs and activities (the "Programs"), I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify the MASA, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, their employees and associated personnel, including the owners of fields and facilities utilized for the Programs, against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant's participation in the programs and/or being transported to or from the games, which transportation I hereby authorize.

I certify that the named candidate is in good health and has no impairment or physical condition which would endanger his/her well being by participating in MASA activities.

I understand that MASA provides no medical or dental insurance for players, and I fully assume financial responsibility for such care. As the parent or legal guardian of the above named player, I hereby give my consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve life, limb, or well-being of my dependent.

I will furnish a copy of a certificate of birth, if necessary, for the above named candidate which I understand will not be returned.

I understand that MASA is a volunteer-run organization and that I as the parent MUST volunteer at least two hours for each session registered. I also understand that when positions are full, MASA may make an alternate assignment.

I understand that the registration fee is non-refundable for any reason.

PHOTO RELEASE: I give permission for MASA to take photos of the above mentioned player for publicity purposes. I understand that said photos may be published in local newspapers, publications, etc. Parents who do not consent to the photo release portion of this waiver should send a note in writing to the Registrar.


Parking - Please park in the parking lot only.

Pets - All pets, with the exception of those providing service to the handicapped, are prohibited from being on District or Municipal fields during any MASA commissioned activity.

Alcohol - Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on Municipal property which includes MCP.

Jewelry - NO JEWELRY IS ALLOWED TO BE WORN during soccer games. This is a safety and liability issue.

Thunder and Lightening - The PaWest/MASA rule is to seek shelter and wait 30 minutes after thunder or lightning. No playing until 30 minutes after lightening was last seen OR 30 minutes after thunder was last heard. If you can hear the thunder, you are within reach of lightening. Players and families should be directed to their cars to wait. Do not take time to take down goals, because handling metal increases a person's risk of being struck by lightening. Everyone hates a delay, but the kids' safety comes first. Thanks for all your help and cooperation!


Murrysville Area Soccer Association
PO Box 494 
Murrysville, Pennsylvania 15668

Email: [email protected]

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